This Rose Face Mist will keep your skin glowing throughout the day. It helps to keep your skin hydrated and refreshed. It’s need only 3 ingredients and simple to make.

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How to Make Rose Face Mist


4 oz. Heritage Rose Petals Rosewater

  Rose water as an anti-inflammatory prevent additional swelling, soothing the discomfort of acne.

According to Iran J Basic Med Sci. 2011 Jul-Aug; 14(4): 295–30 , rose water help calm and relax (

4 drops. Rose hip seed oil   

Rose hip seed oil anti-aging, brightens skin

According to Clin Interv Aging. 2015; 10: 1849–1856 Study on rose hip powder showed a significant reduction in the appearance of fine lines

Study on rosehip seed oil  108 patients were underwent open surgical procedures for skin tumor removal of pigmented lesions

 The group using rose hip oil experienced significant improvements in scar color and inflammation when compared to the group who received no topical treatment.

4 drops.Rose absolute essential oil

Rose absolute essential oil has several therapeutic properties, including antidepressant, antiseptic, astringent, calmative and sedative.

According to Avicenna J Phytomed. 2017 May-Jun; 7(3): 206–213. Five studies evaluated the physiological relaxation effect of rose oil. Anti-depressant, psychological relaxation, improving sexual dysfunction, and anti-anxiety effects were the other clinical properties reported for rose oil.

Measuring cup

Spray Bottle

Wood stick

How to :

: Mix 4 oz.  Rose water , 4 drops Rose hip seed oil and 4 drops Rose absolute essential oil together in a glass bowl

: Pour rose face mist in mist spray bottle.

: Put label on the bottle.

Tip : Put the date you made this rose face mint on the label to keep track of shelf life.

Use Rose Face Mist after every time you wash your face, then apply face serum and make up .

Let me know what you think about this rose face mist ! Sharing is Caring…

Categories: DIY