Quick and inexpensive craft project for a fun Halloween decoration around your house. This yarn ghosts garland is easy enough for you and your family make it together.

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What you need:

1. Yarn ( black, orange, and white)

2.Yellow thick yarn

3. Cardstock papers 5″

4. Scissors

How to:

  1. Wrap yarn around cardstock papers 25 times, keeping it loose enough so you can slide it off but not so loose that it falls off. ( picture 1)
  2. Slide the yarn off the cardstock then cut 10″ yarn tied of the center. ( picture 2)
  3. fold its half. ( picture 3)
  4. Cut 5″ yarn tied 3/4 to make ghost head. ( picture 4)
  5. Cut of the looped ends. ( picture 5)

6. Glue googly eyes on the ghosts, whatever you like .

Now you can hang the ghosts up.

How do you make your yarn ghosts?

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Categories: DIY