Looking for fall decoration that inexpensive and you can do by yourself?  These no sew pumpkin using items you have around the house and the cost under a dollar will be perfect for you.

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How to Make a No Sew Pumpkin

What you need:

1. Ribbon Spool

2. Old t-shirt or old towel

3. Plastic Maple Leaf

4. Natural twine

5.Hot glue gun

6. Toilet paper roll

7. Scissor

8. Grocery plastic bags

How to:

  1. Using grocery plastic bags roll around ribbon spool (see picture)

2. Take a piece of old t-shirt fabric places are the PERFECT size, place the roll from step 1 in the middle and literally start pulling the fabric up one piece at a time and shoving it inside the hole. Continue this all the way around until all the fabric is inside the hole

3. Cut of Toilet paper roll then roll to be pumpkin stem

4. Using natural twine roll around pumpkin stem, glue with hot glue

5. Using hot glue glue plastic maple leaf under the stem then make blow with natural twine.

To watch VDO go to https://youtu.be/iZWf1biUrFY

How do you make your pumpkin?

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